Dream big, live small

Although every success starts with a dream, most dreams end with no success. It’s important to have dreams because they drive us towards our vision of a better future. However, it’s not enough to simply dream. If we want to accomplish anything in life, we need to pursue what we want by acting. But what do we do when we feel that our dreams are too big, and we convince ourselves that we aren’t able to reach them? One answer is to go small.

Don’t go small with your dreams, though. Keep them as big as you can imagine. Go small with the steps you take towards those dreams. 

How many times have we heard the saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step? It’s meant to inspire us to just get started. But, once we’ve started, how do we find strength to keep going? Most people fail reaching their dreams because they don’t realize how many steps are needed. So, they tend to give up after only a few are taken. Therefore, instead of focusing on some far-off dream, we must focus on the daily tasks we need to accomplish. If we do this, the dream will eventually be manifested.

Is this difficult to do? For many people, it is. However, if you can learn to focus on the daily tasks and not on the dream itself, then you will get rewarded each day with a sense of accomplishment. As this sense of accomplishment builds each day, it will drive you to keep accomplishing these daily tasks. Eventually these tasks will add up and you will get to where you are headed. 

If you are stuck and feel as if you are never going to get to where you want to be, challenge yourself by focusing on doing small things every day. It may take a year, it may take five, or it may take twenty. But it’s better to be twenty years older and living your dream, then to be twenty years older and be nowhere closer to your dream than you are today. 

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