A fulfilled life is a great life

This past week I was in Florida and met a seventy-five year old woman who read my book. She was so excited to meet me and let me know that it had really impacted her. I felt honored that she was so complimentary. But, I was also intrigued and wanted to know how it had impacted her.

She told me about all the goals she would accomplish in retirement, and that none of them had been reached. Before her husband had passed away and before she stopped working, she had a list of things she wanted to accomplish. Things like painting, sculpting, traveling and so much more. Instead, she became stuck in a rut of doing odds and ends while watching TV. Her retirement was not working out the way she had planned.

After reading the book, she started taking action. By setting daily goals and rewarding herself for accomplishing them, she is starting to live her dreams. They may be little things to other people, but taking action towards her original goals has given her new life.

I wrote my book because I wanted to impact people’s lives in a positive way. I’d always thought that it would resonate with young people who had a desire for success. But, I should have realized that people of all different ages and in different phases are searching for basically the same thing. People want to live a life of fulfillment.

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