Be happy, yet be unsatisfied

Most everyone wants to be happy. Although, most people don’t understand what happiness is. How many times have you heard someone say that they will be happy when? Like, I’ll be happy when I find a significant other. I’ll be happy when I have $1 Million in the bank…maybe $10 million based upon the rate of inflation these days. The list goes on. Most people live a life searching for happiness, but very few find it. Why? Because they don’t understand what happiness is.

Happiness is a choice and not a destination. You will have many goals in your life and may or may not reach them all. But, the journey toward the attainment of your goals is often very long. If you aren’t happy along the way, then you will be unhappy most of your life. Additionally, happiness attached to a goal is quite fleeting after you reach it. So, you can’t wait to be happy when. Instead, be happy now with the prospects of your journey and with the movement toward your goals.

So, what is that nagging feeling that you have because you haven’t achieved your goals yet? It’s not unhappiness. It’s actually dissatisfaction. You are not satisfied with where you are now and want to be further ahead. Great! This is the feeling that drives success.

Each day, remember that you feel unsatisfied because you have so much more to accomplish, but you also feel happy because you are striving towards reaching your goals. You may think that the feeling of unhappiness and dissatisfaction are the same. They are not. If you learn to understand the difference, you can live in a constant state being driven toward success because you are unsatisfied. Yet, also remain happy along the way because you are making progress.

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