Be world class

Difficulties are a part of life. Yet, the pain we experience during the difficult times will recede. While, who we become after we overcome pain remains. The road to greatness isn’t paved easily. It is a long and arduous process that involves challenges and misery. How you react to your misery will make all the difference in who you become.

To become world class at anything, you need to travel through the door of suffering. Intuitively, we know this. We know that to gain muscle, we need to endure the pain of tearing it down in the weight room. To gain strength in our cardio, we have to push ourselves when we run, bike or swim. Isn’t it the same when it comes to succeeding at anything? To become great, we have to be willing to tear ourselves down in order to build ourselves back up.

Too many people in today’s society have a false sense of entitlement. They’ve been raised in a sterile environment where hurt feelings are a valid excuse to search for a safe space. They wilt at the slightest challenge because it’s uncomfortable. This is not how one becomes world class. One becomes world class when they consistently live by positive action and don’t let their feelings dictate what they do.

It’s okay to be hurt, sad and feel dejected. Don’t let that change your vision of who you plan to be, and don’t let it derail you from reaching for greatness. Show up today and give it your all. Then, repeat it again tomorrow. String as many days together like this as you can. If you can do this, over time you will be world class.

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