Discipline is hard

Why is discipline hard? Because it is. Once you accept that fact, you will start on your path towards a disciplined life.

The disciplined mind

Much of life actually begins with acceptance. When you start on a difficult journey, you know that it will be difficult. Why do so many people quit along the way? It’s because they truly don’t accept the difficulty. They think that it’s cute to say that something will be difficult. But, when they get hit with the difficulty, they crumble. They think that challenges are easy to overcome for other people, and that is why other people are successful. News flash! There is no “easy” button in life.

Understand that life is simple, but not easy. Every morning that you wake up, there is someone out there who woke up earlier than you. Every day that you work hard, there is someone out there that is working harder. It’s not easy for them either. Yet, they still choose to grind. The funny part, is that they are also wondering why it’s so hard and thinking that it’s easy for someone else. The difference between success and failure is the ability to grind consistency, even when it’s hard.

Discipline is about repetition

Discipline is nothing more than repeating little things over and over, regardless of the lack of progress. It’s having faith that you will end up where you dream to be as long as you never stop moving toward that target. Most of all, discipline is about continuing to move forward even when you don’t feel like it.

Remember, action has nothing to do with feeling and discipline has nothing to do with easy. There will be more days than not that you won’t feel like getting up and grinding. Don’t be fooled by those days, accept the difficulty, and grind anyway.

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