
While growing up, there were very few things I had in common with my father. However, one of the things we did have in common was our love of professional basketball. Specifically, our love of the Los Angeles Lakers and our love for Ervin Magic Johnson.

When Magic came into the league, it was at a very critical time in my life. I was searching to find my place amongst my friends and hoping to find common ground with my dad. I found that common ground in professional basketball. Regardless of issues that needed to be solved or struggles that needed to be overcome, we could always talk about the Lakers. Through my teenage years, discussing the last Lakers game became a staple in my house. Discussing how great Magic was, became a topic that my dad and I could always agree upon.

Fast forward to 2019

When Covid hit the world in 2019, and we experienced the global lockdown in 2020 things looked dark. Even though we could work from home, something always seemed a bit off. It’s like we were characters in a movie about the end-of-days. But, the movie didn’t seem to have an end. During the middle of the pandemic lockdown, I was lucky enough to be involved with a live Zoom meeting with Magic Johnson. Imagine, getting to talk to one of your childhood heroes. He said something that shifted the mindsets of many of the people in the meeting. He said that his life has been turned upside down as well. Every day he wakes up and questions reality. He reminded us that we are all having the same experience, regardless of our wealth, race or social status.

Fast forward to now

About two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet Magic in person. He was one of the most positive speakers I have ever seen and truly inspiring. I mentioned the Zoom meeting I’d been on with him and the advice he gave regarding the lockdown. He sincerely said that he meant every word and he is so thrilled to be back surrounded by people. During his presentation it became clear that we will all make mistakes and have missed opportunities. But, how we react to those missed opportunities will define who we become. We become who we are because of how we react to our challenges and struggles. In the end, keep moving forward and keep smiling.

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