Ego is a tool

Ego can drive you the highest levels of success. Ego can also drive you to the depths of failure. Like with many things in life, ego is a tool. How you choose to use that tool will dictate whether it is a positive or negative force in your life. The yin and yang of ego…

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All storms shall pass

You may be in the middle of a storm right now. You may not. Regardless, our life is full of storms and full of clear skies. Sometimes you are in the middle of struggle, sometimes you have overcome it, and sometimes you are heading into it. We typically have no idea when the storms are…

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Adversity is your opportunity

Over the past month I’ve had the opportunity to speak in front of several professional groups in person. The “in person” part is a highlight because it is the first time I’ve spoken to a non-Zoom crowd in over two years. It was so energizing to be in front of a crowd again and I…

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