Ego is a tool

Ego can drive you the highest levels of success. Ego can also drive you to the depths of failure. Like with many things in life, ego is a tool. How you choose to use that tool will dictate whether it is a positive or negative force in your life.

The yin and yang of ego

If your ego is too big, then you can become blinded by your own ambitions. You can miss the signs that what you are doing is alienating those around you. You can also miss the signs that what you are doing isn’t working. We’ve all met people who have an ego that is so big that they become narcissistic. Although they may be successful in parts of their lives, they are usually miserable and their success is often built on a house of cards.

If your ego is too small, then your ambitions might never be met. You can get mistreated by those around you because you aren’t strong enough to stand up to them. You can also miss the opportunities in front of you because you are too insecure to reach for them. We’ve all met people whose don’t have enough of an ego and they seem small. They typically don’t strive for success and feel that they don’t deserve more in life.

Ego management is key

In order to be successful, you must manage your ego. Too small of an ego and you will give up in the face of difficulty and never reach your potential. Too great of an ego and you will most likely go to the extremes in most things and end up hurting yourself in the end. To maximize this tool that you have been given, you must work at it. Take the time to focus on your level of ego. If you are insecure and often feel dejected in your pursuit, work on building your ego through small steps (this is a topic I cover in my book). Don’t let your ego do the talking. Learn to focus on your work and it will speak for itself.

In the end, you have many tools at your disposal on the road to success. With ego playing such a big role, make sure that it’s playing the role of a hero and not a villain.

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