Show up and do it

How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t feel up to it right now?” My guess is, many times throughout your life. You might have even said it more than you would like. I know that I have. But, what does that statement even mean? Pondering this question unlocks one of the most…

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Be thankful for your obstacles

A life without pain is a life without growth. The young weak sapling only grows into a tree because it first breaks the surface of the earth. So many seeds never reach their potential because they aren’t strong enough to even make it to the surface. But, once they do, they stand a chance. Yet,…

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Who are you becoming?

You are what you do. If you do the things that successful people do, then you will be successful. The argument could be made that you are already successful when you do those things. It’s productive to see the progress in your activity and understand that you are becoming someone different every day. If you…

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The struggle is real

Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown? Most people say they are willing, but then quit when the sprint gets too hard. The feeling of burning lungs and aching quads becomes too overwhelming to keep going. In order to become a great sprinter, you need to learn how to endure the pain…

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You must change

The higher you aim in life, the better you must become. If you aren’t where you are in life, it’s because you aren’t yet capable of it. That is a harsh reality. But, people spend so much energy thinking about changing their circumstances, but so little time thinking about changing themselves. People continue to be…

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