You must change

The higher you aim in life, the better you must become. If you aren’t where you are in life, it’s because you aren’t yet capable of it. That is a harsh reality. But, people spend so much energy thinking about changing their circumstances, but so little time thinking about changing themselves. People continue to be attached to who they are, not realizing that who they are won’t get them to where they want to go.

Do the work

Think about a physical challenge like lifting weights. If the most you can squat today is 100 pounds, then you are simply not strong enough to squat 300 pounds. You can wish for it all you want, but you will never be able to squat 300 pounds until you do the work to become strong enough. That is, you are not capable today, but can become capable. All you need to do is engage in consistent squatting workouts week-in and week-out, and you will eventually be able to do it. The future “you” who can squat 300 pounds will be forged out of the work you put in.

Just as you become stronger by constantly pushing yourself to lift heavier weights, you can grow stronger in anything you set your mind to. The person you are today may not be good enough to create the life you want. The good news is that you can become that person. You simply need to forge the future “you” through relentless and focused work.

The steps you need to take

The first thing you need to do is to create the vision of who you want to be in the future. Once you have that vision, you need to break down the specific skills you need to possess. Then, you need to set a course of action to acquire those skills. Read, research, go to night school…do whatever it takes. Each day take one extra step toward becoming the person you want to become. Eventually, you will grow into that person. Then, you will finally be capable of achieving the ultimate vision of yourself.

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