The struggle is real

Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown? Most people say they are willing, but then quit when the sprint gets too hard. The feeling of burning lungs and aching quads becomes too overwhelming to keep going. In order to become a great sprinter, you need to learn how to endure the pain and keep on pushing. It’s common sense. In order to become a great athlete, you need to spend years training at a consistent level. Endurance isn’t built sitting on the couch.

Isn’t endurance for success built the same way? Shouldn’t you be asking yourself if you are willing to commit when the result is unknown…and not guaranteed. Just as you build physical endurance through strength training, you build endurance for success through taking consistent and persistent steps toward your goals.

Overnight success takes years

Most have heard the saying that it takes twenty years to become an overnight success. People don’t become successful one day. Instead, they string together day after day of tedious effort and eventually reach a tipping point that spills over into their success. The exceptions are the lottery winners, trust fund recipients, and other inheritors of wealth. Even social media stars spend hours filming, editing and testing their content. They spend as much time watching content as they spend creating it. Unless you are part of the lucky exception, you need to work for your success.

The time to the destination will often be unknown. You can rarely estimate the effort it will take. Anyone who wants to be successful at anything they do must commit to the endless task of reaching. Every day they must take one step closer to their goals. The steps taken each day start adding up and the skill to persevere will be developed along the way. You train your mind with consistent action, and develop into a successful person as you become a better version of yourself. Don’t worry about the end, and just start.

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