Who are you becoming?

You are what you do. If you do the things that successful people do, then you will be successful. The argument could be made that you are already successful when you do those things. It’s productive to see the progress in your activity and understand that you are becoming someone different every day. If you focus on what you do, then who you are becoming will bring you further towards your ultimate destination.

Every choice is important

There are two very simple tricks you can use to stay on a course towards your ultimate success:

First, know which activities you need to do. If your version of success is to be at your high school graduation weight, then you know that you need to eat well. However you define eating well is up to you. But, it should be in-line with the vision you have of how fit you want to be.

Second, before every decision, ask yourself if what you are about to do is going to move you closer to or further away from your goal. If your goal is truly to be the fittest version of yourself, then eating a desert after your meal is not a good choice. If you really want to become the fittest version of yourself, you will make the decision to abstain from the extra calories.

Sometimes simple is best

If you think of choices in the binary, your life becomes quite simple. Either you do the thing that will get you closer to who you want to become, or you don’t. If you consistently make the choice that brings you closer to your ultimate version of yourself, you will become that person. However, if you consistently make the opposite choice, you will become someone else. Regardless of the choices you make, you will move in one direction or the other. Why not make the choices that align with who you ultimately want to become? The choice is yours.

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