Live life with the end in mind

What if you ended each day by visualizing that you are sitting in your death bed looking back at your life? What would you be thinking about? Would you look back at your life with regret, or would you look back with pride? It’s a sobering thought to think about what you will be thinking as you pass on from this life. It’s inevitable that each of us will reach this point in time. For some it will come sooner, for some later. Regardless, we will be faced with the moment that we look back and account for what we accomplished, remember how we treated people, and face who we became.

It’s your choice

The results of this “death bed” moment are completely in your control. You can choose to life a life where you squander each moment. Or, you can live a life in which you strive to become your best self. The more time you waste, the less satisfaction you will have. The less satisfaction you have, the less you will become. The less you become, the more regret you will have. Living a life of regret, and having to look back at that regret, is a weight that you don’t want to bear. The effort you make today might seem difficult, but it’s nothing compared to the regret you will face for a life not lived.

What does it all mean?

Whether you believe that there is life beyond this one, or not, living life to its fullest is the point. In order to live to your fullest, you need to develop the skills it takes to do so. Building these skills takes character, and this character is what allows you to build more skills. You can’t lift the weight until you become strong enough to do so. In order to become strong, you start with a weight you can lift until you can lift more. The journey doesn’t end, and you must keep lifting every day. That is the point of life. If you live your life each day striving to be the best at whatever it is you need to do to get to where you need to go, you will end up living a life that is worthy to look back upon.

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