Strength creates security

Many people are on a quest to be successful so that they can ultimately be secure. That is why it is called financial security. Sure, relationships, sprititual and physical goals are also part of success. However, you can have all these things without financial security. There is a difference between between financial success and other types of success. But, the sacrifice needed to achieve success across the board all brings with it suffering along the way.

Suffering creates strength

The pathway to strength is paved by suffering. It is inevitable. However, the pathway to less suffering also comes from suffering. When you are suffering, you are forcing your brain to do something it’s not used to doing. Then, through the suffering, you program your brain to become used to that level of suffering. This allows you to endure greater suffering, and the cycle continues. It’s within this cycle that we can continuously move forward and achieve new heights.

You can’t wake up one day and climb a mountain. You need to wake up one day and decide that you want to climb a mountain. Once you set that intension, you can forge a path towards its attainment. This is done through starting wherever you are in terms of your ability and fitness. Then, pushing yourself each day through the suffering you must endure to get better. Though this process, your suffering today gives you the ability to suffer a bit more tomorrow. These little improvements in your ability to suffer will eventually get you from where you are today to the top of that mountain one day.

Strive for strength

The paradox of searching for security is that if you reach for it, you won’t find it. Instead of searching for security, it makes more sense to work for strength. You don’t want to be secure, you want to be strong. Strength is developed by overcoming hardships and challenges. As you become stronger each time you overcome these challenges, you are able to overcome even more. As you overcome bigger challenges, you receive bigger rewards. This is how you ultimately reach the peak of whatever mountain you set out to climb. The best part is that once you are strong, security is a byproduct.

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