Pray for Unity

This is a departure from the normal blogs I write. This weekend we had an assassination attempt on a past President and current Presidential candidate. Whether you are a Republican, a Democrat or neither, my hope is that you are saddened by the events. My hope is that you look into your heart and find compassion. My hope is that this event brings us all closer together instead of dividing us.

At the end of the day, we are all doing our best to have a human experience. Like in sports, you want your team to win because they were the best. You don’t want to win by cheating, you don’t want to win because an opposing player was sick or injured. You definitely don’t want to win because an opposing player was taken out…literally or figuratively.

Let’s all take a moment to remember that our opinions are just that, ours. We have beliefs that may be different than someone else’s. Let’s discuss and debate. Let’s not let our hate bring us to violence. Let’s pray for the victims who lost their lives. Let’s pray for each other that we can come together. Let’s pray that this brings the world to a better place.

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