How strong is your character?

What you spend your time and energy on creates who you are and that ultimately becomes your character. Like the foundation of a house, your character needs to be strong if you are going to build your life on it. Your character needs to be well-defined if you want to make an impact. Your character is ultimately a representation of who you are.

It’s been said that we can best judge a person’s character, not in times of comfort, but in times of stress. How we react to and act through challenges reveals who we really are. We’ve all most likely witnessed people who act as if they have it all together when everything is going their way, but the minute they face challenging times they crumble. As we have each faced the Covid-19 pandemic over the past eighteen months, many of us know of people who have let themselves go with regards to their health, become addicted to substances and even engaged in spousal abuse…or even worse. Isolation and fear have left so many people frightened, depressed and despondent.

Did the circumstance of the past eighteen months change people’s character, or did it reveal it? Because we also know of people who have responded to the pandemic much differently. There are people who became more fit than they had ever been, read more books than they ever had before, and even started new and successful businesses when those around them were crumbling. There are so many examples of people who decided to march forward during one of the most challenging times of many of our lives and conquer.

If you want to build a strong character that allows you to conquer the challenges in front of you, it starts with making the choice to spend your time and energy positively. Everyone one of us is eighteen months older than we were when the pandemic originally hit us. Some of us are eighteen months ahead of where we were, some are stuck and some have fallen behind. If you want to make sure that the next eighteen months are better than the last, then work on building your character so that you can look back on all that you have accomplished and all that you have become…regardless of the situation. 

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