All storms shall pass

You may be in the middle of a storm right now. You may not. Regardless, our life is full of storms and full of clear skies. Sometimes you are in the middle of struggle, sometimes you have overcome it, and sometimes you are heading into it. We typically have no idea when the storms are coming, and they often hit when we least expect them. What we do when we are in the middle of the storm is critical to our ultimate success.

Who do you want to become?

There is a saying that has stuck with me since the day I heard it many years ago, “Great sailors are not forged in smooth waters.” We hear quotes like that and they often resonate with us. Yet, we don’t really want to live the quotes. That is, we want to become a great sailor, but don’t really want to suffer through the rough waters. We hear things like, most millionaires have gone bankrupt before they ultimately succeed. However, we would rather have the millions of dollars without the bankruptcy along the way. What most people don’t realize is that the struggle is an important part of the journey.

If two people start out with nothing and eventually reach the same place of wealth, the one who overcame more struggles along the way will be stronger. They may both be at the same exact destination, but one will be more prepared to face an impending challenge…and, that challenge will come. It’s rare that anyone goes through their entire life without having to overcome huge obstacles along the way. Therefore, if you are not forged to be strong during your challenges, you may be too weak to face them in the future.

Embrace the grind

You become great at anything you do by following a pattern. First, you set off upon a journey of success. Eventually, you hit a challenge that you can’t overcome. You must then learn how to overcome that challenge. Now, you are strong enough to continue your journey until you hit the next challenge. The process continues to repeat and you grow stronger with each challenge you overcome.

If you look at challenges as opportunities to grow stronger, you will embrace them. You may not like them, you may be suffering and you may even feel like giving up. But, you must remember that challenges are important to your growth. Also, you can rest assured that the larger the challenges that you face and overcome, the greater the success you will achieve.

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