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Purchase your future
If you are not where you ultimately want to be, it’s because you’re not good enough…yet. The key word is yet. What is your barometer? Last week I was teaching a Jiu Jitsu class and one of the students became…
Read MoreDiscipline is hard
Why is discipline hard? Because it is. Once you accept that fact, you will start on your path towards a disciplined life. The disciplined mind Much of life actually begins with acceptance. When you start on a difficult journey, you…
Read More#MagicJohnson
While growing up, there were very few things I had in common with my father. However, one of the things we did have in common was our love of professional basketball. Specifically, our love of the Los Angeles Lakers and…
Read MoreDon’t take life for granted
How often have we all had this experience? We meet a friend for dinner, have a great conversation, and then end the night by suggesting that we do it again soon. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn’t. We might…
Read MoreYour struggle is guaranteed
The wise man, the boy and the butterfly There is a story about a wise man who was speaking with a young boy about life. While they were speaking, a cocoon that the wise man had in his possession caught…
Read MorePerspective is our choice
This week had a tumultuous news cycle. There is continued escalation in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and there doesn’t look to be an end in sight. The NASDAQ stock market index had its worst week since 2008, which is…
Read MoreThere can only be one you
Why are we so special? Have you ever thought about that question? This morning, while planning my day, an answer came to me. I realized that many of my tasks were things that only I could complete. My guess is…
Read MoreIt’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’
In the 1950’s there was a study done by Dr. Curt Richter in which he dropped rats into a tub of water to test how long they would tread water before they gave up. He found that they would last…
Read MoreYour dream may not be your purpose
It’s great to have dreams. When you have a vision of what you want in life, it makes you feel great. Why? Because it gives you hope. It gives you hope that your future will be better than your present.…
Read MoreBe happy, yet be unsatisfied
Most everyone wants to be happy. Although, most people don’t understand what happiness is. How many times have you heard someone say that they will be happy when? Like, I’ll be happy when I find a significant other. I’ll be…
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