
Who are you becoming?

November 15, 2022

You are what you do. If you do the things that successful people do, then you will be successful. The argument could be made that you are already successful when you do those things. It’s productive to see the progress…

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The struggle is real

November 8, 2022

Are you willing to sprint when the distance is unknown? Most people say they are willing, but then quit when the sprint gets too hard. The feeling of burning lungs and aching quads becomes too overwhelming to keep going. In…

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You must change

November 2, 2022

The higher you aim in life, the better you must become. If you aren’t where you are in life, it’s because you aren’t yet capable of it. That is a harsh reality. But, people spend so much energy thinking about…

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Ego is a tool

October 25, 2022

Ego can drive you the highest levels of success. Ego can also drive you to the depths of failure. Like with many things in life, ego is a tool. How you choose to use that tool will dictate whether it…

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All storms shall pass

October 18, 2022

You may be in the middle of a storm right now. You may not. Regardless, our life is full of storms and full of clear skies. Sometimes you are in the middle of struggle, sometimes you have overcome it, and…

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Adversity is your opportunity

October 11, 2022

Over the past month I’ve had the opportunity to speak in front of several professional groups in person. The “in person” part is a highlight because it is the first time I’ve spoken to a non-Zoom crowd in over two…

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Make today ashamed of yesterday

September 7, 2022

I was teaching Jiu Jitsu last week and some of the senior students were “phoning it in.” They were simply going through the motions. It was as if they thought that just showing up was good enough. But, is it?…

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Find your life’s song

August 30, 2022

How many times have each of us uttered the phrase, “I will be happy when?” Then, if we don’t get to that magic “when” moment, we continue to be unhappy. Or, worse yet, we actually do get to that moment…

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The real world is every day

August 23, 2022

Many children and young adults are entering the back-to-school season. My daughter is entering her senior year at the University. Today, in fact, was her first day. We spoke last night and she mentioned that she was a bit sad.…

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Be an inspiration

August 16, 2022

This past week brought the passing of Judo Gene LaBell at the age of 89. He was one of Bruce Lee’s instructors and known to many as “The Godfather” of grappling. The mixed martial arts community reacted by honoring his…

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